Saturday, August 23, 2008

I don't really have a title for this one

I can't believe this is offically the last day of our summer. I can still remember to this day the first day of seventh grade. And everything that went on the last week of our Ninth grade year. I've noticed lately that life moves oh so quickly you don't have time to notice your surroundings.

Yesterday was when I finally woke up from a dream. When at a friends party. Seeing all those faces made me notice that soon (too soon it seems) enough We'll be getting our drivers licenses, dating, and graduating. Just 3 1/2 more years and we'll all be going to be "adults." It only seems that I used to wish I could be older and go see movies with friends without that constant parent supervision.

And monday will be the first day of high school as sophomores. I hope I'll get to keep all my friends from Jr. High and make new ones. I also want to be able to become the person I want to be. I don't want to fall away from what I know is right. But now I have to say to everyone going to Davis...I will truely miss seeing all of you in the hallways and just simply annoying you guys.

with love, toodles,


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grils Stake Camp!

Some Great dance moves during are wards So you think you can Dance

Yes that is a flag pole; and yes those things hanging aren't flags...not even close...

Kara Huber hiking 3 miles! That was so fun I could hardly contain myself from going up and down those steep hills.

Beehives Shannon Hulet and Paige Hoglie showing off the dancin skills around 2 in the moriningIts Hillary Slaughter!