Sunday, November 25, 2007


Oh my Gosh! I just finished reading Twilght. I just love it!! I read it in just only TWO DAYS!!!! I don't know why I hadn't read the book earlier. It just looked so boring. But then again I've been told many times not to judge a book my its cover. My, should I have really clueless. I can't wait till I start reading the next one. But first I have to finish reading Dandelion Wine. That book confuses my so much. To many similes, metaphores, basically tooo poetic.
Going along with not judging a book by its cover. The publishing company should really have thought of a better cover. How does an apple in the palms of someones reallly really white arms go with the book? Even though I haven't read the rest of the books the red ribbion on Elicipes doesn't look like a book I would normally read. But then again remeber- "Don't judge a book by its cover". I wonder who came up with that quote. They must have been really smart to say that!
I really hope they don't make a movie on Twilight. I would honestly go on a strike. They'd be putting a face on Edward. Which is horriable. Since Edward could so many different ways, depending on the girl. I'm not really sure I would picture Edward but I would totally date someone with most of his qualities. But then Edward doesn't go to church, so then however I will marry would have to go to church and have most of Edward's qualities. But still I wonder who came up the "Don't judge a book my its cover". Well till next week!


Anonymous said...

Cool! I read it too and thought it was amazing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the movie thing. Not every girl has the same taste when it comes to guys. I'm sure that there would be lots of disappointed girls when they saw the Hollywood version of Edward.

If they made a movie I would go on strike with you. Mainly because I can't stand romantic movies! In that way I'm rather childish. I still cover my eyes when people kiss in movies! Lol ^_^

Anonymous said...

It took me a bit longer than two days to read Twilight because I don't read as much as I should and because I thought that while it was good, it was a little sappy. They should NEVER EVER EVER make a movie out of good books, they ALWAYS ruin them! I hope they don't, they might mess it up as much as they did to Eragon...