Friday, December 14, 2007

Twilight Movie....AGGHHH!!..NEVER

Oh my gosh they are going to make a movie out of Twilight! Its the most horriable -est idea in the WORLD! Why make a movie out of a wonderful book. When they'll ruin it and delete or add most of the book. I hate the whole idea. Why can't they just leave the book only and forget about

the movie. This movie will be released around December 12, 2008.

They will really mess up the whole point of the book. People wouldn't be getting the full action in just four hours. They'll forget important details and delete alot of the action. I'm going on a strike!!!

Why put an image on Edward; plus Robert Pattinson from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire HAS already been casted and will be Edward!! He isn't very attractive to be honest in my taste. He looks to serious and every one has a different Edward in their imagination of in real life.

Isabella Swan (Bella) is going to be played by Kristen Stewart. I think she would be a good actress for that role, but I still don't believe they should make a movie out of.

Still I strongly disagree with the making of this movie. Who ever thought of the making of the movie should be cast away to a deserted island! And when the movie comes out I AM NOT GOING TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! To show my disapproval, but then who does care about my opinion.


Panda Girl said...

Whoa! They're using HIM as Edward?!?! Uh... okay...
No, I don't think he looks like Edward either. They shouldn't put an image for Edward.
Robert Pattinson is pretty cute in the Harry Potter movies... but um, yeah, NOT how I pictured Edward at all.
I want to see the movie though... even though it might turn out horrible. We'll just have to see.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just can't picture the boy who was Cedric Diggory, being Edward. They didn't choose their cast very well, and if they didn't choose their cast well... I think it's not going to be any good! I'm probably not going to go see it either, I just hate romantic movies!