Sunday, April 20, 2008

An Ella Story

Ella woke up at the crack of dawn almost every morning to get ready for the day set before her. This morning was the night of the ball. Many of Ella's friends had been asking and wondering if she would be going to the ball. Truth was Ella didn't know herself.

That morning Ella got ready for her regular work out. She warmed up for five minutes, streched, and ran two miles. Once she has done the household was already stirring. Her brother stumbling out of his room, her sister singing while eating, her father getting ready for work, and her mother out running errands.

Once Ella reached the top stair step her mother came running into her telling about her morning bargins. "I just did the best sale EVER darling," said her mother excited. Taking a shower and getting ready for her daily chores Ella still wasn't sure if she would be allowed to attend the ball. Putting it behind her mind she set out to clean the house.

Spring Cleaning all done by her. She washed the windows, dusted, sweeped the floors, mopped, and weeded the garden. This took the most part of the day. Which in fact was a beautiful day. The sun was out high shining its rays, the birds chripping, and childern laughing in throughout the neighborhood. She still hadn't asked or even thought about the ball.

Then her sister walked over. "Hey, you're going the the ball tonight, right."
"Cuz you always go...what are you going to are you going to do your hair...I think you should leave it as it could borrow my shoes!"
All throughout this Ella realized she didn't have anything to wear to the ball.

Soon enough her mother came questioning if she was going to the ball and asking random questions at once. Once telling her mother she had nothing to wear, her mother did something different. "Well what are you waiting for, Prince Charming...come on lets go...get your things ready, lets go find you something to wear!"

When on the streets of the town they went to several places to find a gown. Nothing quite as her mother wanted. They went to store to store. Nothing. When going into the final store Ella's hopes of ever going to the ball were down. After trying on many gowns her mother spotted one that was very different from the rest. After trying it on she really felt like a princess.

It was ten minutes till the ball would start when she arrived home. Her father had just given her a new set of chores. "How am I ever going to be ready in time" she thought to herself. Once getting the help of her sister to perform the chores, Ella got ready for the ball.

Once arriving upon the ball. Ella spotted many of her friends. The ball wasn't the most exciting but it would do for the night. There wasn't a prince to sweep Ella off her feet but she didn't need that. least not yet.


Panda Girl said...

Haha, I like it! I like your last two sentences ;)