Sunday, June 15, 2008

Things on my lawn...

Okay, so today is/was Fathers Day! I woke up early since church starts at 9 and well I take longer than my parents think is nessacary. Once I got up my mom woke and told me to go to bed since it was around 6 am. She said she would wake me up. Wrong! The alarm didn't go off. I woke up around 8:45. 15 mins to get ready...I don't think so!
So once every one was up and ready we dashed out of the house and headed towards the car. All except me...I being the young responsible adult went to make sure all the doors and windows were locked.
Then I headed towards the front enterance. Then I saw a COW. Yes, a cow on our front lawn! Once I opened the front door and steped out I saw 8 more just standing in the middle of the street. The first thought that came to my mind was "What, where and how did they get here!" After getting over my shock of finding cows on the lawn I ran to tell my parents and then just as I was going to show them. (just my luck) They were gone! Vanished!! So they didn't believe like I was trying to be funny.
Once at church(since we were late) we sat outside in the hallway and then Mrs.Lacey a non member of the church that lives in my nieghborhood runs in gasping.
"Theres cows in the McAllisters back yard!"
And me with "I told you so"
So after all the commotion in the chapel we found out the cows were the Richins. They went and rounded them up. Now the McAllisters backyard isn't exactly what it used to be. Those cows were sure mad. And ended up destorying the shed they had just bought and flowers that had just been planted.(my sister was very upset about the flowers)Well, now I'm so thankful I'm not crazy. Someone else saw them too. And they're safe too!

Happy Fathers Day!
I love my daddy!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Every since school got out and before I was just awaiting for summer. No homework, just swimming and hanging out with friends. And most importantly having fun! Now already at the first week of our summer I've gone throught half of my summer must-do-list. Here it is below...

  1. swim
  2. ride my bike
  3. hang out with friends
  4. eat ice cream
  5. get wet
  6. car wash
  7. take a walk
  8. go to lagoon (i have a pass so if you do too we should totally go together!)
  9. pull an all-nighter
  10. go to the movies
  11. convince dad to let boys come over to our house(that one was tough)
  12. go shopping
  13. girls camp
  14. read the twilight series...again before Breaking Dawn comes out
  15. read...
  16. paint a picture(yw personal progress)
  17. make a skirt with pockets! I really need one of those
  18. go to California
  19. Get tanner
  20. Get contacts(I hate my glasses)

And there is more to that list but its to long and it'll bore you to death so I'll stop now. I love you all in a pure and friendly way and will miss you all now that I won't see all that are going to Davis.
