Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tingling Motion Part:1

It was after school, Olivia and Melody were walking towards the choir room. Melody had to give her friend her Jess some cough drops so she'd be able to sing. Olivia figuring it would only take Melody just a few minutes to find her friend, walked down the hallway with her. Not wanting to disturb the class after school Olivia waited by the doorway. After a few minutes Melody had taken a while to find Jess in the class. When Olivia felt tingling down her back. Not knowing what it was Olivia turned around. There she met eye to eye with Boston.

During the past month Olivia had tried to aviod Boston as much as possible. They were going to do a science project together. When Olivia had tried to arrange a day to start the project Boston always left her with an undecided response. Usually it would be, "Just whenever you want", or "Well talk about it later" or sometimes he would just walk away when the subject came up in their conversations. So for a month Olivia decided it would be best to just ignore the subject and do the project with someone else. Once Olivia turned and saw Boston she held his gaze for just a moment and quickly turned around and walked into the the choir room. "What had just happened make there?" Olivia thought to herself. Not knowing what to do she found Melody and they quickly left the school that day.

The next day Olivia was determined to forget about what had happened the day before. But before she knew it she felt another tingling motion down her spine while walking down the hall alone to 6th period. But before she could turn around there was Boston right in front of her. Not wanting to meet his eyes, Olivia scurred to class that was thankfully just a door down from where she stood. Later that day, once school had ended walking down the hall Olivia felt a cold shiver, not wanting to face Boston or whoever it was Olivia quickly walked to her locker in silience.

Now this can be a true story or fake but I'll let you decided for yourself. I'm pretty positive that I'll be writing more of this story. So for now please help me think of an ending for this story.


Writing Person said...

It is soo true! Well part of it is!! Remember you told me!!! Keep writing.

Panda Girl said...

Haha... after reading it, I think it's a true story! Except about a different thing! Keep on writing!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Only time will tell the end of the story. After all you are the narrator of your own story. And if it is a true story... Which I'm not hinting if it is or isn't... It is your choice, do you want a happy or sad ending?

I.N.H. said...

I don't know really! I'm so confused myself on what to do/write.